Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I'm sitting on the couch in my lounge, looking at the drum kit in the corner, holding the heater between my knees, looking at the sun streaming in through my window and wondering why it doesn't heat this place up. I like winter, don't get me wrong, but I don't enjoy being freezing cold. Honestly though, apart from being able to see my breath at 10:30am inside my house, I am enjoying life. I'm blessed to be alive, blessed to live in NZ, blessed to live in Christchurch, blessed to have an amazing wife, family and friends, blessed to be on holiday and blessed with, for the most part, good health.

You may have heard about the car crash in Invercargill on Friday that claimed the lives of 3 teenagers. The driver of the car, Jesse Langeveld, used to work at Mcdonalds when I worked there about 3 years ago. It sucks when someone you know dies like that. Though we weren't close friends or anything, it's still a shock as you could imagine.

Life is so short. You never know when you might be taken from this earth. I want to make sure that whatever happens, I never forget how to smile and laugh, and I never want to forget how blessed I really am to be alive. Even when life sucks, every breath is a blessing. Lets be positive people, and not waste our time getting negative and cynical. Life is too short

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