Friday, July 31, 2009

laugh at me

I've been thinking about jokes lately. Well, maybe more about humor than jokes. Its funny (pun) how someone's sense of humor will be completely misunderstood by someone else. I quite often come across as a dick because of my dry sense of humor. I'll start being a bit sarcastic (I use sarcasm sparingly mind you), or I'll make some dry remark and if someone doesn't know me I tend to put across a terrible first impression. *sigh*

Some jokes are actually lame. Some are funny. But generally jokes aren't that funny. Joking is funny, like pointing out something hilarious (such as the fact that someone in the group has braces), or spinning a good yarn or quoting something (in or out of context) which will make people laugh.

I'm no humor expert, but I sure can tell you a crap joke or two

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