Thursday, September 17, 2009

just some questions...

Why is it that now it is automatically referred to as racism if someone criticizes President Obama?

Why are some old people still allowed to drive when they obviously aren't capable? (foot slipped on to accelerator???)

What is this world coming to when a 13 year old is caught drink driving?

Why is my friend Elijah still in hospital?

Why is Niggy still not home from Afghanistan? (I miss you bro!)

What is with our fascination for finding another 'earth'?

Why did I not get up in time to make lunch today?

What is with the lethal injection saga in Ohio?

What is with all the sexual abuse and incest?

Why have their been so many murders, assaults, stabbings, and the like in Christchurch recently?

Why am I still hungry?

Why haven't I finished my assignments?

Why am I writing this instead of writing my assignments?

Why did I think that guy at the skatepark was Tom and start hassling him when it turned out to be some random dude? And why didn't he punch me for being a dick? (Toby, you are my new friend - haha, hopefully see you again at the park soon)

I don't have answers for all these questions. What I do know is God is good, even when we are not. Even when the world looks to be in so much trouble, even when it looks grim, there is hope. I know that we may turn our backs on God and reap the consequences of that, but He is always there waiting for us to turn to Him. He is a good God, and just because an ungodly world is spiralling out of control, that will not shake my faith and hope in God, and it will only make me work harder to let my life shine His light and be an arrow pointing people to Him.

I believe with all my heart that God is good. I know that this world is not perfect. I know that there is pain, suffering, grief, poverty. I know that this stuff is not fun, or cool, or of God. But I would much rather take the hard road and have faith that God is good and claim the promises written in His word - the bible. And believe that He is the hope of the world, that He is the answer, that He is and will always be an awesome God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.

I would much rather do that then take the easy road and lose hope, become a person just going through the motions, letting how I feel determine the extent of my faith in God, become negative, cynical and un-joyful.
Questions, I have.
Answers, often I do not have.
But this I know - God is good, and I choose to put my faith and trust in Him. Praise God!

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