Thursday, July 30, 2009

Smile :)

I was starting to write this entry as a bit of a whinge. I was starting to say how 'I think this and that and when people disagree with me and blah blah blah' and I was like - Hang on. Thats actually lame. I was about to post a blog telling people not to be haters when in fact thats what I was doing.

So new idea - I'm going to be Joyful!
If you're not already aware, I am a Christian. This doesn't mean I hate gay people or anything like that, but it means I love Jesus and I strive to live my life daily according to the example he set. I also love the bible, the inspired word of God.

I am generally quite a cynical guy, can be quite negative and given my personality (ISFJ on meyers-briggs) its quite easy for me to border on depression. But I have been noticing more and more, especially in the last couple years, how important it is to be positive, to speak life, and to be happy, full of joy, and SMILE!

God created the universe by speaking! "Let there be Light" and there was! I believe the same power God used to create the universe has been passed down to us through Jesus when we received Him as our Lord and Saviour and received His Holy Spirit. Therefore, speaking life into our situations carries great power - 'I am prosperous', 'I am bold', 'I am the man for the job', or how about this - "Be Healed in Jesus Name!"

I spent too much of my early Christian life being the negative, cynical guy. It not only brought me down, but it killed the mood around me. I reckon if I'd spoken a bit of life into my life I would have had a much more positive impact on those around me.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 says "Always be joyful" i.e "BE HAPPY!"
SMILE, it will make you feel better and honestly, it will make you way more attractive. When I was living in Auckland, I boarded with a lady named Maggie. She said to me one day, "You always look like the world is on your shoulders. Do you think it will make people want what you've got?" That really got me thinking; maybe I should actually do what the bible says and be happy, people should want what I've got but when I'm the lame, negative, cynical guy all the time why would they? Maggie also said to me in that conversation, "You've got a smile that lights up the room. You should show it off more, it's bound to win you the heart of a lucky young lady."

And you know what? She was right. Ask my wife what she noticed first that attracted her to me and she'll say my smile and the twinkle in my eyes. Thank you Maggie for that great advice! And thank you God for being so awesome and blessing me so much!

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