Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My life so far in 2010

It's 2010.
I'm unemployed - It really does suck. I have finished my Diploma in Civil Engineering, but when I try and use it as bait for potential employers, they generally have been telling me it's pretty much worthless. Would really have liked to know that before I spent two years and about 15 grand on getting it. Apparently going back to Uni to get my BE is the only way to get into what I want to do. I know for a fact that just a few years ago, that wasn't the case. I knew it would be harder with just a Diploma, but I didn't think I would be told by a number of Engineering Firms that its impossible.

Don't worry, I'm not depressed. I have been battered by disappointments BUT... I have faith. I believe God when He says, "I know the plans I have for you. They are for good and not disaster; to give you a future and a hope." I know that as these doors seem to close, He's moving me to the open door He really wants me to go through.

So for now, I've re-signed with a temping agency which should be able to provide me with enough work for us to pay the bills and on the days I'm not working I will be continuing my door-to-door job hunting and giving out a billion copies of my CV and praying for God to open up opportunities. Watch this space.

One thing being employed has 'helped' me with is now instead of a quick read up on the news every day, I have a lot more time to do some reading. I'm passionate about politics - not because I like to argue, but because I think it's extremely important for us to know what's going on around us in the political scene. The politicians are employed by us to make decisions for our good. So it's important to me that I know the full story about a law change that's being proposed. Or a policy change. Or what lawmakers are debating on. It's important to be informed and to really do some research into the pro's and con's.

I am a dual citizen of the USA and NZ. So I have a huge amount of interest tied up in what is going on in the USA (as well as here in NZ).

I'm watching the Healthcare Reform (or should I say Government take-over of the Health Sector) with great interest. I've been watching the global warming scam with great interest. I've been watching the media frenzy over Sarah Palin with great interest. I've been following the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan closely. I've been watching the out of control Government spending closely.

I don't like how biased the media is. I don't like how EVERY media outlet is biased, mostly left wing, but Fox, a right leaning outlet, is the only one bashed for having a biased viewpoint. I have been surprised time and again by what is reported on the news and how it is reported. I'm sick of humanity-caused climate change being reported as fact when there is less evidence for that than there is for life on mars. I don't like the direction Barack Obama is taking the USA and I don't like the way the press plays favourites with him. It seems they spend as much time praising him as they do trying to slam Sarah Palin.

This was not meant to be a rant, but I guess I got started on one. I wasn't expecting it to become a list of things I'm getting a bit "over it" about.

I hope you are having a fantastic year so far. I am going to try and keep this thing updated fairly regularly and just say what's on my mind. It won't always be Politics. It won't always be winging and moaning (hopefully only a rare moan will make it on here). It will always be from the heart, and hopefully it will add something to your day, not take away from it.

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