So I'm in LA right now. We landed at 2.30pm Wednesday Oct 1 local time, but that is the same as 10.30am Thursday NZ time. I was a bit meh about the whole thing, couldn't be bothered with transition times and customs and whatnot. But this adventure of a lifetime has already had a lifetime of firsts so far!
Here's a basic list of highlights/firsts for me:
First time on a flight longer than 1hr20min
First time watching a movie on a plane
First time eating a meal on a plane
First time using a toilet on a plane (which is followed up by...)
First time doing poo's on a plane YEYA!!!
I can't really think of too many more firsts. But man I loved getting frisked at Chch boarding (metal detector doesn't like my metal belt and then security pwns me till they find no knife or weapon or anything of the like), getting frisked again at the metal detector at Auckland and finally getting the lucky 'random test' at the gate of the flight to LA where I was frisked again.
Compared to NZ, America is... well I dunno.
The security at LAX took about a tenth of the time that security at Auckland took, so much for panicky americans. The security guards in LAX have guns and its not intimidating. The people here are obviously different, but then again I already knew that having an american mum and all that jazz. They are really super polite people, well so far anyway.
My Aunt Linda and Uncle Ray met us at the hotel and are with us now. We are going to get some food soon which I'm stoked about. It's annoying how their accents sound normal to us but they can't tell what we are saying. It's annoying how no one here knows what I'm talking about when I say 'chur' or 'sweet as' or 'I'm beached bro,' but I'm sure we can work it out.
So in summary...
We got to LA 5 hours before leaving chch (due to time difference), Josh Pritchard and Jeremy Knox were meant to come hang out at Auckland airport while I was in transit but that ended up being jar bol (not sure whose fault but I'm saying I was not to blame haha). It was an emotional farewell at Chch airport for me and Holly after some crap pizza from the foodcourt, and I am going to miss her. awwww.
I will try and keep these updated regularly along the way. Miss you guys, hope your keepin it real in NZ!!
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