We went to NYC after New England and did a few cool things. Went up the Empire State Building and went to the Statue of Liberty, Times Square and the site where there used to be some awesome buildings before a certain act of terror. We went to the ground zero visitor center which has been set up as a tribute to all those who lost their lives, it was quite emotional really but it's kinda hard to explain unless you go there for yourself.
We were in NYC for 3 days, and on the last day we were there, my uncle had to go into hospital. We didn't get to hang out with my aunt and uncle at all that day. That kinda sucked because that was the main reason we went to New York, to hang with them. But last I heard Uncle Stuart was doing much better and so thats good news.
I just remembered the wierdest thing about driving through New England... Most people have seen roadkill, but not everyone has seen deer littering the roadside. Some obviously had been hit by trucks, there were varying degrees of carcase quality. Some dead deer were in pieces, others looked like they were taking a nap. Needless to say it was something different.
We also checked out Niagara Falls which are every bit as amazing as you would expect. Go there. You'll love it. That also involved crossing the border into Canada. If you ask me, Canada is just a copycat of america but with a few subtle differences, i.e. when we crossed earlier from the border at maine into french canada, you get 100m from the border and EVERYTHING is in french. We crossed back over in New Hampshire and for a few miles the signs etc were written in both french and english, obviously the US is a tad more considerate than french Canada.
But in Niagara Falls, it had all the same stores, food, everything, just a slightly different vibe and a different currency. I liked Canada but to be fair we didn't see a lot, just the stuff thats pretty much america anyway. So maybe one day i'll go to Vancouver or something and have a good look for myself.
ANYWAY... arrived in seattle on Thursday October 23 after a 6 hour flight from NYC. At around 11am local time in seattle we made our way to baggage claim where we were greeted by a tearful Aunt Cece who hadn't seen us in about 17 years. We stayed with her and Uncle Jerry at their house in Puyallup for 4 days and had an awesome time. Went to a wildlife park called Northwest Treck where we saw caribou, deer, elk, moose, bison, mountain goats, mountain sheep and coyote's, bears, cougars and a lynx that did a super good ninja jump from one tree to another. That was dope.

Also went to Seattle and checked out Pike Place Market which is famous for birthing a worldwide phenomenon - Starbucks. So naturally we sampled... When in Rome...
We left Puyallup on Monday and started a long drive to LA. We stopped today at Crater Lake, Oregon and yesterday we went through Portland. It was pretty much just another city that would be cool to check out one day but we weren't too worried about not stopping. Last night we stayed in a random little town that i forget the name of and today we went to Crater Lake which is another amazing place.
Tonight we are in a place called Crescent City in Northern California. Tomorrow we're going to check out the redwood forests and go drive through the tree you can drive through (apparently there's a massive tree with a huge hole chopped in it) which will be epic. We are going to be heading through Santa Cruz (which is a city with skateboarding heritage) on thursday, I can't wait.
Thats about it.